How its made
Each item is carefully and lovingly created using the two main processes of raw edge applique and freemotion embroidery. I begin with an idea and sketch this out, redrawing it as many times as I need to until I’m completely happy with the design. Once I’m satisfied with it, I transfer it onto tracing paper. I then use this version of the design to create all the separate parts of the design out of fabric. This process involves deciding how the pieces will overlap and come together, then initially creating those shapes out of Bondaweb.
Bondaweb is the ‘glue’ that keeps the pieces of fabric in their correct places until the sewing stage. Then I carefully iron these pieces onto fabric before cutting them all out individually. It’s a long and fiddly process but its really important to draw and cut each piece out accurately so the overall design fits together perfectly as a composition. After creating the individual pieces I then carefully place them together bit by bit to create the design and iron once again to secure into place.

Once this stage is completed I use my sewing machine with my freemotion foot attached to sew the design. This definitely has to be my favourite stage, it’s a little bit special as the design truly comes to life at this point! If it’s a picture I’m making then I’m done but for products such as purses and bags I have to then sew my seams and add any extra parts to complete and make up the item. My favourite tools for the job are my well loved and trusted tweezers as well as my tiny scissors and of course a decent pair of glasses!
Get Involved
I believe everyone has an inner artist waiting to be unleashed. If you’re feeling inspired to create something of your own, we invite you to join one of the many workshops we offer throughout the year around Cornwall. Our workshops are designed to help you explore the world of textile art and learn new techniques that will enhance your creativity. With a supportive and encouraging environment, you will find a newfound confidence in your ability to create beautiful works of art.