My Journey
For me, my journey is part of what makes my business unique. That journey has very much been an up and down one over the last few years, but with every difficult time we go through there have also been the most amazing moments and opportunities to grow and improve along the way. Its good to acknowledge all of these moments, they can be the reasons that bring you to where you are now, and hopefully to where you want to be in the future.
I grew up with a strong maternal figure until the age of 12, my mother would instil into me the importance and beauty of the natural world around me. Sadly I lost my wonderful and inspiring mum to cancer when I as just 12 but I really do believe that those 12 short years gave me a lasting passion of what is really important in this world. Now as an artist, those first important impressions and values of life are the main focus of my work.

I spent much of my adult life in a variety of jobs, mostly uninspiring and where I very much felt a sense of being a square peg in a round hole! But during this time I was also blessed to spend many years at home when my children were little, nurturing them as they grew up and enjoying being a hands on mum. So when I found myself at the age of 41 as a single parent with three children, including a 3 year old, I decided to go back to college to fulfil a lifelong dream of studying Art and Design. What followed during the next 5 years was a journey of knowledge and self discovery that I would never have dreamt possible and a journey that I certainly never imagined would lead me to this point.
In the summer of 2017 I graduated from Cardiff Metropolitan University with a First Class Honours degree in Textiles and now have a small but successful little business selling my own textile art and teaching textile art techniques as a freelance art tutor.
I won’t say my journey has been easy, it really hasn’t, after all I’ve had to juggle studying and all the practicalities of bringing up 3 children, alongside supporting myself and my children financially during that time. Many things have changed along the way since graduating, with some very unexpected and testing trials, but life is a great journey and I do believe that through the difficult times you do reach a place of acceptance and peace and an ultimate sense of belonging through those trials.

Once I graduated from University I initially took a job in a local sewing shop where I learned a lot about the complexities of selling sewing machines. I had really hoped to set up my own business following my studies but this sideways step into employment was the perfect opportunity to learn more about my trade, and ultimately it gave me my first opportunity to teach a workshop on freemotion embroidery to a group of local ladies. It was an invaluable time at the shop and ultimately helped me realise that to achieve my ultimate dream of running my own little business the time had to be right.

It turns out that many of the decisions you make, lead you to discover a better route to achieve the happiness you crave, and when you reach that point you will be all the more grateful. Thankfully this step in my life turned out to be quite perfect, I spent 18 months working in a sewing related job, learned an abundance of practical skills about sewing machines and most importantly I learned that I had a passion and flare for teaching textile art techniques to like minded people.
After my time at the sewing shop and selling a few textile art products online on a hobby basis, I made the bold decision to quit my job and officially start my textile art business full time.
Its been the hardest I’ve ever worked in my life, with many hours more than the average working week, weekends, evenings and even whilst on holiday! But despite this, I love running my own business, its easier to deal with the
long hours when its ‘your baby’ and every order you receive is as special as the last. Afterall what’s not to love about working from my own dedicated work space at home, with my trusted little cheeky dachshund, Milo for company! Plus I can decide when to put the kettle on, and the tea is always flowing!